Training Program Name : Spandan
Why This Training Program ?
Every Company is intent on providing a vibrant environment to its employees. For a person both work as well as family environment is important. Both these roles are interlinked. Any kind of neglect to a particular role may affect the other.
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- So how do we maintain a balance in life?
- How do we improve mutual relationships within our surroundings?
- To bring about a change is yourself is possible, but how?
- How to have an effective yet constructive relationship with the residents?
- How do we improvise our role and act as a change agent?
‘Spandan’ – an initiative which will provide answer to all these questions and many more. In ‘Spandan’, Life skills like self realization, positive attitude, improving mutual relations, self motivation, teamwork and a pragmatic thought process development will be imparted.
Content Included In This Training Program...
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- Self Realization (Who am I and What is my Role)
- Self Motivation
- Various Roles of life
- Positive Attitude and Optimistic Outlook
- Mutual Relations
- Pro Action
- Communication
- Values and it’s Influence in Life
- Happy Marital Life
- Parenting
- Tips for Maintaining the Work Life Balance.
For Whom...
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- ‘Spandan’ training program is for all those employees who are interested in understanding and adopting a new way of life.
- This program is specifically designed for all grades of employees.
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- By increasing the levels of enthusiasm towards work and life in the employees, their efficiency towards work increases.
- Optimistic attitude towards changes leads to acceptance of changes and hence helps in discharging the responsibilities effectively.
- Proactive change in day to day interactions with colleagues and seniors leads to better relationships.
- It enables the employees to maintain the work life balance effectively.
Modus Operandi
Spandan is developed through participatory process and it includes examples, stories, incidents, games, group discussions, clippings of social films and debates for sharing of ideas and thoughts.
Duration of Training Program
Workshop Timing : 09.30 am to 05.30 pm
Workshop Duration : Three Days (Effective Hrs: 8 to 9 hours/day)