One day during our room visit we observe that Mr. Rajib Pan, Manoj pan, Gorekhnath Pan, Surej Pan, of Jusco Room no C-4, were engage in taking Ganja by sitting together. So we counseled them to leave ganja and also about the effect of Ganja on health and after our regular counseling they committed to leave this. So we give responsibility one of their room partner Mr. Dinunath to observe them. During our room visits,  we too tracked them and observed that, gradually some changes were taking place in their mind. The workers also met us and tell that they will leave the ganja.


Some another day, during a video show when we discussed about their problems then they told that they have left ganja. For confirmation we discuss this with their room partner and he also told that they stopped taking ganja and leads to a healthy life. They confess that earlier when they were having ganja, they were feeling very tired and  after leaving ganja somehow started feeling uneasy but gradually it all have been adjusted and feeling energetic towards the work. Also added that they were happy and saving the money which were earlier wasted in ganja.

Name of the Person: Mr. Rajib Pan, Manoj pan, Gorekhnath Pan, Surej Pan.

Designation: Worker (Messon)

Location: Project Camp,  Joda


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